The #52BlogPostsProject


When Divya’s text popped up on my phone screen, I almost had a flashback playing on a reel in my head. What she had suggested in her text was a superb idea and it made perfect sense for us to get together in this challenge. It was a thought I had once flirted with, for a brief moment but brushed it aside eventually. However, her sudden text coupled with her enthusiasm and support for me, I began to consider the possibility of embarking upon this journey she was asking of me, of both of us…

Divya’s idea was simple: Publish a post on our respective blogs once every week, for the next 52 weeks.

Isn’t that a wonderful thought to step into the New Year with? Of course, terribly daunting too!

We can find a million-and-a-one reasons for why we want to take up this challenge, but the primary reason is for us to reignite the passion for writing! And only writing can help you do that, really. Like how Liz Gilbert once said, “So if you want it to be better, then you’ve got to show up and do your part of the deal.” And that is exactly what the #52BlogPostsProject is going to be all about.

So hop along on this wonderful journey with us, as we try to show you a part of our world through these posts.

Also, allow me to introduce my amazing partner-in-writing: Divya Nawale. She has one too many feathers to her cap; multi-talented and a self-aware individual, she is an inspiration to me! Check out her blog here 🙂

How will the #52BlogPostsProject work? 

I plan to tag the title of my posts to indicate which week we are in, and hopefully that will separate my other posts with this, if I am miraculously able to write more than one post per week.

Please send in your suggestions, if any and all comments are welcome 🙂

Wish us luck, and hope you enjoy what we have to share!